The silent underneath clash between the secret knowledges related to the ancient Snake and the European traditional culture of mythology has been running all along the history of European integration until today within the United Europe: it is the secret of the European empire...

written by Roberto Amati

Did the Imperium unite Europe? It is one of the main question I tried to answer in my book that certainly is related to the religious and political history of our continent. Actually, if you look at the history of European integration (starting from the classic Greek epoch as I suggest in my essay), it is evident that the Imperium has been the force that defined the jurisdiction and the destiny of the European peoples within the United Europe territory included in its Limes. Borders that changed, moved, shifted for centuries from Western Asia and Middle East to Northern Africa and the Atlantic side, up to the lands that the European empire could conquest and defend until it was usefull to the European interests. These connections to areas outside the physical space of Europe are related to its ancient cultural and religious roots, grown essentially among the Eastern traditions and cults: in particular, we cannot ignore "the prophecy of Daniel" (included in the Old Testament) about the "four beasts" coming from the sea (commonly interpreted as reigns on the Hearth) and its projection on the actual European Union.

European empire

The first empire of Humanity (clearly after the Great Flood), afferent to the first beast dreamt by Daniel, was the ancient Reign of the Sumers and Babylon: the lion with eagle wings is easily recognizable in the most famous artistic relics coming from the area of the Mesopotamia, especially in the palaces and temples of Babylon and Ninive, the capitals of the Empire of Sumers and Assyrian that dominated all the Middle East region for thousands years under the blodylines lineage of the Snake of the Yarad House (as explained in this previous article). The influence on Europe originates from to the peoples descending from the Iafet lineage who came to settle since the sunrise of the European history (see the "Table of Nations" in the Bible) and during the "Great Diaspora" of Jewish in 70 AD. Its feature was the "dominion" (a word continuosly recurring during all the history of European integration...) of the absolute king over all the citizens and peoples controlled, devoted to the unique god of the sky: a politic model inherited by the Hamites and Semites kingdoms spreaded all around Middle East and Northern Africa in the pre-Christian age. A curious note: the icon of the lion with eagles was absumed by the Republic of Venice since its foundation in VII century AD and is still inserted in the Venice city flag!

The second empire of Human history related to the second beast seen by Daniel was the reign formed by Medes and continued by Persians, Greeks and Romans. It started when the Medes conquered the last Assyrian kingdom at the end of VII century BC, joined to other domains in Central Asia and Middle East, coexisting with the Lydian reign in Western Anatolia and the Egyptian reign still living over the Sinai valley. Decades after the Median empire was annexed to the new emerging Persian Empire, under the king Cyrus "the great" who started a long process of conquests that enlarged the domains of "the king of the kings" from the Indo and Oxus rivers and Scythia borders in Central Asia to the Danube river in Europe, including all the Middle East region and the ancient Egypt kingdom. The Achaemenid dinasty was of divine lineage according to the Greek myth, descending directly from Zeus the "cheaf of Gods", such as the Argead dinasty who led the Greeks campaign that defeated and conquered the Persian empire, annexed to the Macedonian kingdom under Alexander "the Great" in IV century BC: when he moved the capital of its kingdom called οίκουµένη (Ecumene), a huge mix of ancient peoples cultures and civilization, to Babylon and married a daughter of the last Persian emperor, the continuity with the previous political entities was established. At his death, the kingdom was divided by his generals (Diadochis) and perdured until the conquest by Romans, from the II century BC: his heiress were Caesar and August of the Gens Julia (another family that could boast a divine lineage from the Goddess Aphrodite), who changed the history of Rome and built the first European empire, the Roman Empire. The reason that joins the Bear "ravenous of meat..." with the Persian, Greek and Roman empires lies in the continuos wars that speaded their dominions from the Central Asia to the Rhin and Danube rivers in Europe and the whole Northern Africa.

The third empire of Human history regarding the third beast of Daniel's prophecy was the Christian Empire, because in his vision the prophet saw a leopard with four heads while receiving the dominion. That happened exactly when the emperor Diocletian established the Tetrarchy in 284 AD, an evoluted form of the Roman empire where the authority was divided by four people, two augustus and two caesars (a perfect ideological continuation of the myth and history of Rome), giving himself the title of Dominus et Deus (in precise continuity with the ancient tradition of ancient Eastern empires). The second European empire became "Christian" just decades after with the reform of Constantine I, but remained divided in two areas (the Western and the Eastern) for centuries until its end. Indeed, when the Western Empire imploded in 476 AD, it was inherited by the Franks kings: Clovis I was called Novus Constantinus by the Pope that crowned him as new Messiah (read the previuos article), while Charles I "the great" was anointed as new augustus by the Pope in the Saint Peter's basilica in Rome, the seat of the Roman Catholic church, in a 800 AD Christmas'n night rite. Continuity of the Christian empire then guaranteed by the eastern Byzantine empire (the second European empire seated in Constantinople) and the western Carolingian empire (the third European empire), even when it was refounded by Otto I "the Great" in 962 AD and called Reich (the fourth European empire): he accepted to become the western Caesar (translated term in German language is Kaiser) of the Byzantine's Augustus (called Basileus in Greek language), together with the equivalents of the Rus' and Bulgars peoples (the Kzar) at the end of X century AD. The continuity of the tetrarchical model of the Christian empire is to be seen in the later Spanish empire founded by Charles V of the Hapsburg dinasty in XVI century AD, aside the Deutsche empire (Reich reformed) held by his brother Ferdinand I and his descendants until 1919 AD, when the Russian empire ended too as continuity of the Russian Tsardom. A little note: the araldic symbol of leopard is contained in the coats of arms of England since the ruling of the Plantagenet dinasty.

The fourth empire of Human history of Daniel's dream is the actual world empire centred in Europe. In the prophecy it is said that "...the beast is terrific and incredibly strongness, with its iron teeth can eat and crush the whole world, able to trample it with its ten horns...": this image reminds me the unprecedent power of the last European empire, that many people see in the European Union (often called "fourth Reich"...), combined with the United States of America power and the United Kingdom empire power (whose official name is Commonwealth), founded on the strongness of weapons, tradings, industrial production and coins. This new reign emerged when the previous Christian empire died out at the end of the First World War against the Allied powers of Great Britain, United States, France and Russia, plus the others big players of the international relationships (China, Japan, Brasil, Canada, Australia, etc.): they were almost all colonial empires and together could control almost the whole world! A fact confirmed by the foundation of the League of Nations in 1919 AD, renewed decades after by almost the same states with the actual United Nations system: quite the same "alliance" signed the OTAN treaty in 1949 AD and few years after started the process of European integration. The ten horns are not the head of those states but the small group of enormous rich bankers that today control quite the whole economic and politic system of the world and can decide the destiny and future of every people and country of the world, even through the wars and financial crisis. The image of this beast is directly connected to the ancient Snake and the actual red Drake narrowed in the Genesis and Apocalypse books of the Holy Bible (read this previous article) and evidently with the rule and the image of Jesus "the Christ" (read the first article).

It is possible to know better this issue by watching at the following schemes:

Scheme of the European empire

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