The secret knowledges related to the ancient Snake and the European traditional culture of mythology have been running all along the history of European integration until today: it involves the gold research, coin and spread around United Europe and the connections with its status symbol among the European peoples.

written by Roberto Amati

What are the main reserves of gold of united Europe? In recent reports, three big member states of European Union own more than two thousands of tonnes of pure gold and together they overcome the gold reserves of the United States of America as well as the sum of the gold possessions of the main BRICS acceding countries. They are Germany, Italy and France, that together collects about a quarter of the total pure gold exctract in the world: this is not a casualty, because those states represent the biggest economies within the united Europe and are stable members of the G7 council and of the ONAT organization since decades, even "founder member states" of the EU and among the most ancient states of the history of european integration (as you can discover by reading my book. These information is fundamental for the goods and commercial world tradings even for the international payments related, because gold has always been used by Umankind as absolute economic "value" since the sunrise of Earth civilizations.

gold of United Europe

Under mythology, the first minings of gold were processed in South Africa by the Annunaki's human slaves, while the Olympiad gods were often represented by the ancient Greeks and Romans covered in gold on their statues erected inside the temples: such as the one of Apollo god at the Delo temple, as famous as gold deposit among the ancient European peoples that Athens (the leading polys of the Delo League) decided to transfer its treasury in 454 BC to the Acropolis temples, where Athenians built a golden statue to the city goddess Atena Parthénos, successively imitated by a golden statue dedicated to Zeus into his temple in Olympia. At that age, gold was used primarily to create jewels, luxury goods and crowns for kings, pharaohs and the aristocratic class, as status symbol of their power and condition, as witnessed by the scene of the Magi bringing their gift to Jesus "the christ" just born (gold together with incense and myrrh) narrowed in the Bible gospels. Always in the Ancient Books of Bible it is written about the Ark of the Covenant of Israelites completely covered in gold, that was part of the king Salomon's treasury kept in his temple in Jerusalem, even about the Golden calf idol that became the Golden Fleece in greek mythology restored century after in the heartland of the christian united Europe through the namesake knight's order still existing.

The gold reserves have been used as economic value since the beginning of the history of european integration, as exchange good with other states or peoples or to pay tributes to conquerors or invaders, even to pay soldiers who often could be free to raid the temples or the rich houses just to give part of the "spoils of war" to their kings: that was the history of many famous treasury of ancient age, such as the Salomon Temple's treasury that was plundered by Romans in 70 AD and bring to Rome, where was stolen by Visigoths during their raid to the Roman Empire capital in 410 AD to be deposited in the capital of the Visigoths Regna of Carcassone, until it has been rescued by the Byzantine Empire in VI century AD and definitely retrieved by the knights Templar (whose name come from the Salomon's temple in Jerusalem...) and definitely disappeared.

The story of the knights Templar treasury is crucial for the gold of United Europe because it is henceforth verified by historians that it was the first step of the bank system emerged in Europe around the XIII century AD, when the Roman Church knight order was totally destroyed and killed by Philippe IV king of France, worried by their enormous financial power and their capacity to extort the European kings. At that time the kings preserved the power to coin (said seigniorage) that came from the ancient kings of the history of european integration: the first known who used gold coins with his effigy has been Croesus king of Lidya in VI century BC, famous for his richness; after that there have been the gold coins of Caesar and Augustus, the "Aureus" used all around the Roman Empire and reporting an image of Venus goddess; when the western part collapsed in 476 AD, the Byzantine Empire continued to use the "Solydus" golden coin (with the face of Jesus Christ) released by the first christian emperor Constantine I, until the conquest by the Turks in 1453 AD who imposed their golden coin "Dinar". During the Middle Age, the only states allowed to issue a golden coin have been the maritime republics of Venice ("Sequin") of Genoa ("Genovino") and Amalfi ("Tari"), accepted and exchanged everywhere on the routes of the Mediterranean and Black seas. More over, the imperial golden coin was restored by the Reich emperor Frederick II ("Augustale") flanked just after his dead by the golden coins with the lys of the France kingdom and of the Republic of Florence, followed by the Netherlands staat coin called "Guilder" (probably from the coeval corporations that from XIII century AD started the new European econony system of trades and investements financed by bankers...).

In modern era the golden coins of Europe were emitted by the colonial empires of Spain and Portugal ("Escudo") since XVI century AD, followed by the "Krown" of Great Britain, of Danemark (extended to all the scandinavian/nordic region) and of the empire of the Hasburg. As always happened all along the history of european integration, the golden coins were adopted for exchanges and payments among the states as valued goods of guarantee, especially when began the fixed exhcange system based on the precise quantity of metal contained by the coins from the public mints, granting the "seigniorage right" for states and kingdoms and the function to forge certified golden lingots in fixed value and weigh, emitted by states to cover their public debits. This mechanism became central in the Gold Standard system founded by the Great Britain central bank in XIX century AD and based on the british golden coins convertible to a fixed amount of others currencies, then adopted by the Second Reich and all the European states. That system was later reformed at the end of the Second World War along with the Gold Exchange Standard method, that replaced the british coin with the golden Dollar until 1971 AD. When the President of USA leaved to start the actual floating system of metal coins quoted at the international currency market and valued in relation to the international exchanges and payments balance in the free global market of goods and financial products, introduced all over the world with the New World Order reform. Nowadays, the pure gold price is established two times a day by a committee of four people seated in the City of London, the head of the international financial and banking system directly linked to the Wall Steet financial district of New York City.

The final result of this system and of the millenary history of european integration is the ranking of gold reserves of united Europe at the first place, if summing all the members countries: since January 2002 the official coin of EU is the "Euro" (not a golden coin), that is managed by the European Central Bank founded by the central banks of the membership states, included the three most provided of golden reserves said at the top of this article...

It is possible to understand better this issue by watching at the following schemes:

Scheme of the gold of United Europe

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