Albanians people has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN PEOPLE category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.
The international name for Albanians people is a latin term, similar to the greek word Albanoi (Αλβανοί) first used during the Bizantine Empire age, while in Albanian language it is Shqiptarët and refers to the ancient group of european peoples living since thousands of years in the ancient mountainous region of Balkans: they were the socalled Albi Gens cause of their clear hairs, that settle there around XIII century BC and probably were part of the Magog descendants of the Japhet genealogy narrowed in the Holy Byble.
Which ethnicity is considered Albanians people? That original people were the Epiroths, who founded the Dodona temple of Zeus and the polys of Kyrchyra on the Corfu Island, populating the area around the Mount Pindo and the Ionian Sea within the ancient Kingdom of Epirus, giving name to the homonymous historical region. They shared the territory of actual state of Albania with a previous group of people part of the Illyrians, who arrived in Europe during the Neolithic age (around 8.000 BC) and spreaded in the Dinaric Alps and all the northern Adriatic Sea coasts and populated the ancient polys (πόλις) of Durres. The last ethnic group entered in Albania was the anatolic people of Ghegs, a tribal minorance owning cultural, dialectical and religious differencies from the prevalent Tosks group: they are settled in the northern part of the country, in Montenegro, in the Kosovo region, in southern Serbia and in North Macedonia too, caracterized by an ancient tribal social organization and the Ortodoxy Christianity, speaking the indoeuropean albanian language.
Albanians people are in great part a mediterranean phehotype of brown or dark haired with large percentage of brown eyes, tipically of Caucasian anthropologic human group, speaking the modern Albanian and self-identifying with the history of Albania since the establishment of the Principality of Arbanon in 1190 AD under the Progon dinasty and the Byzantine Empire dominion, the political entity that included their supposed "relatives" of southern Italics and Illyrians people until the XIII century AD: after the IV Crusade against Constantinople, in 1272 AD Albania became an independent kingdom ruled by the Angioini dinasty and passed to the local Kastriota family of the national hero Skanderbeg (one of the most famous Albanians people), until it was conquered by Turks that imposed the Islamic religion to the whole population. With the new independence within the Kingdom of Serbia (1878 AD), the Albanians people obatined a new principality transformed in republic until nowadays.
The main cities of Albanians people are the capital Tirana, the ancient Durres, Scutari and Valone while the 60% of population live in countryside or abroad, spreaded among the neighbouring states and the european states of Greece, Italy (Arbëreshë community), Switzerland, Austria and Germany, especially after the communist regime took power in middle XX century AD and the Kosovo war.
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