Romans people has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN PEOPLE category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.
The international name for Romans people is a latin term that indicate their provenance from the ancient city of Rome, that they founded in VIII century BC on the hills around the Tibur river together with groups of Latins and Sabines people already settled in that area. The myth of foundation of the Urbs aeternas by the hero Romolus, a son of the Olympian God Ares (a son of Zeus) and a woman of the bloodyline descending from Aeneas, a member of the ancient Troy royal genealogy born from the Olympian Goddes Aphrodite, gave an aurea of sanctity and inviolability to their descendants, in particular the families (called gens) that contribuited to found the ancient civitas and its political and social institution.
But what nationality were Romans? If the Eastern origins, that some historician consider in the group of the descendants of Alanus of the Biblical Generations of Noah together with Goths Saxons Franks AlbiGens and Britons, are declared by the ancient roman literature, is the history of European integration that explains well the relations with those other ethnic groups, especially regarding the european royal genealogies of Europe since today! When the Respublic of Rome was founded by Romans, Latins and Sabines with a Foedus (a juridical contract used after to found the England Kingdom and the Carolingian Empire and the Reich Empire by descendants of the ancient Romans gens!), the ethnic characteristics of Romans became mixed and open to "new comers" from all the European peoples that settled in the continent and had been conquered by them: it is not easy today dinstinguish the specific phenotype of the ancient Romans, even if they spreaded and colonized all Western Europe, Balcanic and Danubian areas, Greece and large part of Britain, where they mixed with the local inhabitants european peoples (Italics, Greeks, Alpines, Iberians, Megalithics, Danubians, Illyrians, Britons, Celts and Germans).
What is clear to the whole world is that Romans built Europe along centuries of conquers and dominion, the new city and civitas founded, the Roman Empire citizenship conceeded in 212 AD, the Latin language imposed that became the basis for most of all European languages, spreading the Ancient Roman civilisation that contributed to religion, society, technology, law, politics, government, warfare, art, literature, architecture and engineering all around Europe all along the history of european integration until today! Rome professionalised and expanded its military and created a system of government called res publica, basic for the Roman Empire that had continuity in the Christian Empire and from it through the Byzantine Empire, the Carolingian Empire, the Reich Empire and the Russian Zarade until 1919 AD! Romans achieved impressive technological and architectural feats, such as the construction of aqueducts and roads, as well as more grandiose monuments and public facilities still existing or used today!
Romans civilty was inherited by the Roman Church, based in Rome since I century AD, that brough it to quite the whole peoples of the world, especially in Americas and Oceanias countries. The list of aeternitas such as civitas and cities founded by Romans in Europe is infinite, as well as the regios and provinces of the Empire still defined in the autonomies of nowadays as in the whole history of European integration: just to give an example, the modern state of Romania takes its name directly from the Romans that colonized that land in II century AD and mixed with the local inhabitants and with the Slavs tribes settled there centuries after, all speaking a national language that is considered a "romanze" language descdending from ancient Latin such as French, Spanish, Portuguese and many other idioms.
Among the most famous Romans people there are the members of the ancient Gens that made the history of Rome, such as Caesar, the emeperors of the Antonini and Severi dinasties and the generals that lead the Romans legios to conquer and defend the Roman Empire territories, many ancient authors and literates still studied today in European schools or main religious christians like Saint Ambrogious and many of firsts Pope of Christianity.
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