Belgium state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.


Belgium is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is ROYAME DE BELGIQUE / KONINKRIJK BELGIŠ applying the official national languages of Walloon (belonging to he group of Italic family) and Flemish (belonging to he group of German family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the parliamentary federal monarchy of Belgium, together with the residents of others European peoples speaking German and French.

Belgium is situated in central-western Europe overlooking westward on the Northern Sea while it confines on the North with the Netherlands, at east with Germany and Luxembourg and on southern borders with France. The territory of Belgium is twice: the Ardennes Massif on southern part of the country and the wide plain on northern toward the sea crossed by numerous large rivers almost navigable such as the Scheldt, the Meuse and the Yser that are really important for tradings and communications. The climate is temperate cause of the currents from the Atlantic Ocean with large precipitation all along the year and low thermal excursion, while the internal is continental thanks to the Ardennes barriers

The history of Belgium started with the first settlements of Megalithics people (as you can read in this article) who have been followed during the Neolithics age by the ancient Celts then by the Belgics tribe of Celts: they all were submitted by Romans and within the reform of Augustus (see Roman Empire), Belgium was included into the Belgica province that with the reform of Constantine I (see Christian Empire) became part of the Gallia diocesi. At the falling of the Western Roman Empire, this region was invaded in 457 AD by the Germans tribe of Franks that formed the Regna Austrasia ruled by the Merovingian dinasty.

With the renovatio imperii reform of Charlemagne Belgium entered the Carolingian Empire, as part of the Regna Lotharingia from 843 AD in accordance with the Verdun treaty until it disappeared splitted between the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of German in 922 AD: to the first belonged the Flanders County, instituted in 864 AD and assigned to the Morini dinasty and perdured for centuries, passing through possession of the Lothringen-Metz dinasty then of the Dampierre family until it was joined into the Flanders&Burgundy Duchy in 1405 AD; the german regna obtained the Hainaut County, enfeoffed to the homonymous dinasty in 867 AD before to be inherited by the Morini and D'Avesnes families, then passed to the Wittelsbach-Straubing dinasty and joined to the Flanders&Burgundy Duchy in 1433 AD. Even the Lothringen Duchy existing since 903 AD and assigned to various european genealogies of Hainaut, Corradini and Ottoni had been splitted in 965 AD among the Luxembourg County (see Luxembourg state), the Haute Lorraine (see France state) and the Low Lothringen Duchy enfeoffed to imperial dinasties such as Carolingians, Ardennes-Lothrinigen/Luxembourg, Limburg before passing to the Hainaut-Lovanio, who in 1235 AD joined it to their possession of the Brabant Langraviade instituted in 1189 AD under the Reich Empire and in the end joined to the Flanders&Burgundy Duchy in 1405 AD.

The Reich emperors founded too the Namur County in 992 AD, assigned to the homonymous dinasty until its extintion then passed to the Morini family and elevated as Margraviade, and the Limburg Duchy in 1065 AD, given to the Azzoni family then inherited by the Limburg dinasty: both had been joined to the Flanders&Burgundy Duchy in XV century AD, under the rule of the Valois-Burgundy dinasty. Within the Reich empire were instituted the "Free towns" of Antwerp, Bruges, Brussel, Ghent, Liege and Ypres since the XI century AD, all autonomous and become fundamental for the tradings and exchanges with England all along the history of European integration. Those cities were annexed to the Flanders&Burgundy Duchy even when it passed under control of the Kingdom of France from 1420 to 1477 AD, before to be inherited by the Habsburg-Leopoldina dinasty in 1529 AD and annexed to the Netherlands Provinces within the Reich Empire until 1795 AD, when had been occupied by Napoleon I and, after that epoch, annexed to the Kingdom of Netherlands in 1815 AD with the Peace of Wien.

Finally, Belgium got independence in 1830 AD at the end of the "popular revolutions" as Kingdom of Belgium, ruled by Sachsen-Coburgo-Gotha dinasty until today! (even if the country had been occupaied by German's troop in both World Wars). The Belgium flag is a tricoloured vertical stripes of black, yellow and red, no coats of arm even though the numerous and famous european genealogies possessed part of what is still today a kingdom: it is a federal administation of the historical regions of Belgium as Antwerp, Brabant, western Flanders, eastern Flanders, Hainaut, Liege, Limburg, Luxembourg and Namur, while the Discrict of Brussel host the capital of the country and the HQ of the European Union and the E.E.C. since 1957 AD meantime the city of Charleroi is the HQ of ONAT since its institution in 1949 AD.

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