Czech state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.
Czech is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is CESKA REPUBLIKA with the official national languages of Czech (belonging to the group of Slavic family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the parliamentary Republic of Czech, together with the minorities residents of Slovaks, Poles or Germans speaking respectively Slovak, Polish or German.
Czech Republic is situated in central-eastern Europe over the Danube river: it western borders are delimited by Germany, on South it confines with Austria and Slovakia and at North with Poland. The territory of Czech is a great plateau sourrounded by four mountains chain: the Sudetes, the Ore Mountains, the Bohemian Forest and the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, while at East there is the wide hilly valley of the historical region of Moravia named by the Morava river. It is a tributary of Danube river, while the other rivers starting in Czech (Labe and Vltava) erupt in the North Sea. The climate is typically continental with rich precipitations in winter and fresh summers, so the Czech lands are covered of forests and pretty paesagistic sites along the series of valleys descending towards the centre of country.
The history of Czech started with the first settlements of Danubians people (as you can read in this article) who had been followed along the ancient times by the ancient Celts in Neolitich age, then by the Boi tribe of Celts and in the I century AD by the Bavari tribe of Germans: they all founded an independent reign known around I century AD and submitted by Avars centuries after until they had been defeated by Charlemagne in 790 AD, so that Czech became the Bohemia Mark ruled by Carolingian dinasty within the Imperium Christianorum. But Moravians invaded the region founding the Great Reign of Moravia under the Mojmir dinasty including Czech from 833 to 889 AD, when the Czech tribe of Slavs people conquered Czech and formed the Ducky of Bohemia subjected to the Reich Empire under the Premyslid dinasty, one of the most important state of all history of european integration.
Especially when in 1198 AD Czech became the Kingdom of Bohemia and had been included into the Reich Empire, ruled by the primary european genealogies that could join in personal regnance with Kingdom of Poland, Kingdom of Hungary-Croatia-Slovenia and the tile of King of German when in 1306 AD Czech was tranformed in Bohemian Krone, ruled by Habsburg, Luxembourg and Jagelloni dinasties. When this extinguished in 1526 AD after the Battle of Mohacs, Czech passed to the Habsburg dinasty forever joined into the Czech-Hungary Kingdom annexed to the Empire of Austria-Hungary until the end of the First World War.
In 1919 AD Czech got independence as part of the Czechoslovakia until was annexed to the III Reich in 1938 AD until the end of the Second World War, when it was joined to the II Repubblic of Czech and Slovak under dominion of URSS until 1989 AD. Some years later it happened the pacific secession of the Czech Republic, administered by regions (Prague, Central Bohemian, South Bohemian, Plzen, Karlovy Vary, Usti nad Labern, Liberec, hradec Kralove, Pardubice, Vysocina, south Moravian, Olomuc, Zlin and Moravian Silesian), whose capital is Praha the most famous among the other important cities of Brno, Ostrava and Plzen.
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