Finland state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.
Finland is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is SUOMEN TASARALTA with the official national Finnish language (belonging to the group of Finno-Ugric family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the parliamentary Republic of Finland, together with the minorities residents of Swedish speaking Sweden of the German languages.
Finland Republic is situated in north-eastern Europe part of the Scandinavia region: overlooking westward on the Baltic Sea, Finland is separated from the other Finn state of Estonia by the Gulf of Finland, while it confines at East with Russia and for the northern border at Weast with Norway. The territory of Finland is a great plain modelled during Ice Age containing around 50.000 lakes (the biggest are the Paijianne and the Iso-Saimau), more than 75.000 islands along the Botnia Gulf that usually freezes in the winter season, lots of short rivers and a few mountains in the northern Lapland as last part of the Scandinavian Alps. The main important economic activity of Finland are naval tradings, fishing and timber production, cause of a rigid climate especially in winter with 200 days of snowing and under zero temperatures, whiile summers are typically fresh and all-day sunny and low precipitations concentrated in the autumnal season.
The history of Finland started with the first settlements of Sami (as you can read in this article) who had been followed by the Finnish tribe of Finns arrived around the IX century AD: they lived free until the conquest and annexation to the Kingdom of Sweden until from 1154 to 1809 AD, when Finland was conquested by Russians who established the Great-ducky of Finland.
Finland became independent in 1919 AD as Republic, founded after the after the fall of the Russian empire, but was invaded again by Soviet Union in 1939 AD and at the end of a winning "resistance war" got the definitive independence in 1945 AD. Finland is administrated by regions (Uudenmaan, Turun-Porin, Ahvenanmaa, Kymen, Hameen, Mikkelin, Kuopion, Vaasan, Pohjos-Karjalan, Keski-Suomen, Oulun and Lapin) and the capital is in Helsinki: it joined the European Union in 1986 AD and adopted the Euro coin.
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