Germany state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.


Germany is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSHLAND with the official national languages of German (belonging to he group of German family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the parliamentary federal republic of Germany, together with the residents of others European peoples. What languages are spoken in Germany? The only official is the national language of Deutsch even if there is a great number of Albanian or Slavic or Italic speaking, such as of Turks.

Germany is situated in central Europe over the Alps: its western border is delimited in part by the Rhin river valley, separating from France, and for the rest by the Netherlands and Belgium and Luxembourg states, while on South the frontiers run along the mountains edge with Switzerland and Austria, whereas the eastern boundaries are with Poland and the Czech Republic and on North with Denmark, where Germany overlooks both on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The territory of Germany is various: the northern part is completely flat, defined and crossed by several big navigable rivers coming from Alps, sush as the Weser, the Elbe and its tributary the Saale, erupting into the North Sea, the Rhin and its tributaries Main and Neckar, while the Oder has origin in the Sudeti mountains and erupts into the Szczecin Bay designing the border with Poland; the Middle Mountains area composited of the Teutoburg Forest, of the Thuringian Forest and of the Ore Mountains; beyond there is the Hercynian Forest delimitated by the Danube river valley and the Bohemian Forest, including the Black Forest, the Swabian and Franconian Jura chains; at South there is the Swabian-Bavarian Highland rising up to the Bavarian and Austrian Alps. Then the climate changes from the atlantic type, signed by strong winds, in the western area to the continental rigid and cold by going towards East, while in southern part of the country the influence of the alpine climate is evident.

The history of Germany started with the first settlements of Megalithics people (as you can read in this article) in north-western side of the country, who had been followed along the ancient times by the ancient Celts and Germans in Neolitich age, then by the Sigambres and Boi tribes of Celts and in the I century AD by the Germans tribes moving from the Baltic Sea coasts. At that epoch they entered in touch with the Romans who were conquering the West Germany and within the reform of Augustus (see Roman Empire) that area was included into the Belgica, Germania, Raetia and Noricum provinces, that with the reform of Constantine I (see Christian Empire) became part of the Gallia and Annonaria diocesi, while the rest of Germany territory was still occupied by Germans and Goths tribes living as semi-nomads in Magna Germania. The enduring fight along the Limes from I to V century AD brought Germans to enter into Roman Empire and obtain fouedus in those provinces, with the duty to defend as limitary legions, where Romans had founded many civitas as Cologne, Trier, Mainz, Speyer, Augsburg, Bonn, Weisenau and Regensburg. Since that times there existed large Israelites communities in Speyer, Mainz, Cologne, Worms and Frankfurt.

But at the falling of Western Roman Empire, those provinces became central for the history of european integration. The Franks occupied the West Germany and formed the Regna Austrasia and the Duchy of Swabia within the Regna Francorum since 511 AD, under the Merovingian dinasty. In 531 AD they annexed the Reign of Thuringians founded in 450 AD and transformed it in Duchy of Thuringia within the Regna Francorum ruled by Merovingian dinasty since 555 AD. The Saxons formed a reign in 531 AD ruled by a Saxon dinasty, but it had been conquered by Franks and trasformed in 782 AD in Duchy of Saxony within the Regna Francorum and ruled by the Carolingian dinasty. The Bavarians formed a reign in 531 AD ruled by Agilolfingi dinasty until it had been conquered by Franks and transformed in Duchy of Bavaria within Regna Francorum in 788 AD, ruled by the Carolingian dinasty. With the renovatio imperii reform of Charlemagne the land of Germany entered totally into the Carolingian Empire, fragmented in duchies, marks (Billung and Nordmark) and large bischoprics and when the empire was splitted in 843 AD with the Verdun treaty, it became the Regna Germanorum (Deutschland).

The Regna Germanorum was ruled from 843 to 911 AD by Carolingian dinasty, then the great fiefdoms joined into the federal German Kingdom known as Reich Empire with the crowning of Konrad I of Corradini family, perdured uninterruptedly until 1806 AD! ruled by Corradini/Salian, Liudolfingi/Ottoni, Staufer, Habsburg, Luxembourg, Wittelsbach and Habsburg-Lothrinigen dinasties. So the Duchy of Franconia ruled by Salian dinasty from 906 to 945 AD was splitted among the Mainz and Speyer Archibischoprics, Worms and Frankfurt "free city" plus Langraviade of Hessen and Langraviade of Thuringia, all underponed to the Rhin Palatinate ruled from 1011 AD by Staufer, Welfen-Brunswick, Wittelsbach and its cadet branches of W-Simmern and W-Zweibrucken-Sulzbach dinasties, then annexed in 1799 AD to the Duchy of Bavaria. This originary great fief in 907 AD had been enfeoffed to Luipoldingi family, then ruled by Liudolfingi/Ottoni, Luxembourg, Salian, Welfen-Brunswick, Babenberg and Wittelsbach dinasties until 1806 AD when it was elevated as Kingdom of Bavaria and ruled by Wittelsbach-Simmern/Zweibrucken dinasties until its extintion in 1919 AD when joined into the I Republic of Germany. The Duchy of Swabia enfeoffed in 909 AD to Burcards family, then passed to Salian, Babenberg, Azzoni, Rheinfelden and Staufer dinasties until 1268 AD when it had been annexed to the Duchy of Wurttemberg. That fief had been instituted as County of Wurttemberg in 1137 AD and ruled by the homonymous dinasty until 1496 AD, when it was trasformed in Duchy and enfeoffed to the Wurttemberg-Urach dinasty then elevated to Kingdom of Wurttemberg in 1803 AD and finally joined into the I Republic. The Margraviade of Thuringia founded in 1000 AD and enfeoffed to Ekkardi and Ludovingi dinasties had benn transformed in 1140 AD as Langraviade of Thuringia, then in 1242 AD joined to the Margraviade of Meissen instituted in 1000 AD and enfeoffed to Ekkardi then passed to Wettin dinasty, who in 1493 AD joined it to the Duchy of Sassonia-Wittenberg and separated it from the Langraviade of Thuringia, given from 1482 to 1547 AD to Wettin-Ernestine branch then definitively rejoined to the Duchy of Sassonia-Wittenberg ruled by the Wettin-Albertine branch. It was part of the ancient Duchy of Saxony ruled from 859 to 1269 AD by Liudolfingi/Ottoni, Billung, Welfen-Brunswick and Ascani dinasties, then splitted in 1269 AD in: S-Wittenmberg (to Ascani and Wettin-Albertine dinasties) elevated as Kingdom of Saxony in 1806 AD until its annexetion to the I Republic; S-Lauemberg ruled by Ascani dinasty until 1705 AD when it was splitted in part annexed to the Principality of Hannover, in part to the Duchy of Saxony-Weimar (ruled from 1554 to 1919 AD by Wettin-Ernestine dinasty) then finally joined to the Kingdom of Saxony in 1806 AD, in part to the Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg (ruled from 1573 to 1919 AD by Wettin-Ernestine and Wettin-Saxe-Coburg and Gotha dinasties) then extinted into to the Duchy of Saxony-Saalfeld-Gotha (ruled from 1681 to 1919 AD by Wettin-Ernestine and Wettin-Saxe-Coburg and Gotha dinasties) until joined into the I Republic, in part to the Duchy of Saxony-Meiningen (ruled from 1689 to 1919 AD by Wettin-Ernestine dinasty) extinted into I Republic in 1919 AD. The Principality of Hannover had been instituted in 1692 AD and enfeoffed to Welfen-Brunswick/Hanover then elevated in 1814 to Kingdom of Hannover conquered and annexed by the Prussia Kingdom 1866 AD. That was the last evolution of the Margraviade of Brandeburg ruled from 1134 to 1356 AD by Ascani and Wittelsbach dinasties, then elevated as Principality of Brandeburg and ruled by Wittelsbach, Luxembourg and Hohenzollern dinasties: in 1525 AD it had been joined to the Duchy of Prussia by the Hohenzollern dinasty and finally transformed in Kingdom of Prussia in 1701 AD, joined to the I Republic in 1919 AD.

In 1806 Napoleon I imposed the end of the I Reich and the formation of the Rhin Confederation including all the germans kingdoms, fiefs and free towns of the empire, under the domain of the I France Empire but with Peace of Wien it passed under the control of the Austria Empire ruled by the Habsburg-Lothrinigen dinasty: this situation changed definitely in 1866 AD when the Kingdom of Prussia defeated the Austria Empire and joining all the german states founded the II Reich in 1871 AD under the rule of the prussian Hohenzollern dinasty. But at the end of the First World War, the II Reich expired and Germany became Republic (known as "Republic of Weimar") until 1933 AD when was tranformed again in (III Reich) and occupied by Allied of USA and United Kingdom and by URSS. After the Second World War until 1949 AD when Germany was splitted in Federal Republic (capital in Bonn) and Democratic Republic (capital in Berlin) and finally reunited into the II Federal Republic in 1991 AD. Nowadays, the Germany state is adminitrated by the lander (Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandeburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Meckelmburg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia) and its main cities are the capital Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Dortmund, Essen, Dusseldorf, Bremen, Hannover, Lipsieg, Dresden, Norimberga and Bonn.

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