Greece state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.


Greece is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is HELLENIKE DEMOKRATIA with the official national language of Greek spoken by the citizens who today live in the parliamentary Republic of Greece, together with the minorities of others European peoples speaking Albanian or Italian as Turkish. .

Greece is a great Peninsula situated in southern Europe in the last part of the Balkans: it overlook westward on the Ionian Sea and southward on the Mediterranean Sea, while at East the Aegean Sea sourrounds the hundreds of islands included in the state and defines the edge with Turkey that continues on the mainland in Thracia, then the northen borders separates Greece from Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania. Its territory is mostly montainous dominated by the Pindo chain (the ending part of the Dinari Alps), the archipelagos (Cyclades, Sporades, Ionians, Dodecanese) and the biggest and famous Greece islands of Crete, Euboea and Rhodes, plus around 6000 little islands everywhere. The climate is typically mediterranean with excursion of degrees and humidity from the western side to the eastern and insular part of the country.

The history of Greece started with the first settlements of the ancient Greeks (as you can read in this article) narrowed in the Myth of Cadmo (the founder of Thebes) and of Hellen migration on the Parnassus mount (centre of the Greek civilty and religion in the temple dedicated to Apollo god), who gave name to Hellas (Έλλάς). They had been followed along the ancient times by the Achaeans tribe in XVIII BC in Corinth and the Danéens tribe in XV BC in Mycenae, while the last group had been the Dorians (part of the Albi Gens) in XIII BC that settled in Doride and in Peloponnesus (Sparta), forcing the Ionians to move to Anatolia western coasts. Where is ancient Greece located? By reading those words it seems evident it was spreaded in Aegean and Ionian seas and the Peloponnesus peninsula (as narrowed by the myth of foundation of the "Pelasgians", Ionians and Lacedemons). They founded the kingdoms (Basileia) of Lacedemons, Thessalians, Myrmidons, Argolians, Arcadians, Aetolians and Eolians (all sons of Zeus God) and the first polys (πόλις) of Sparta, Argos, Larissa, Phthia and Pisa or on Crete, Rhodes and Cyprus islands (ruled by sons of Aphrodite goddess) where it started the Minoic civilty. The polys of Athens was probably founded by the mythologic hero Theseus (son of Poseydon) leader of the Ionian group (part of the descendance of Iafet) settled in the central Greece regions of Attica, Achaea, Boiotien, Euboea, Phocis and Thessaly and moreover in the isles of Cyprus and Crete. Time after were founded the kingdoms-polys of the Thebaians (Thebes, by a dinasty descending from Cadmo son of Zeus), of the Achaeans (Corinth and Argos, under the dinasty of Atridi of the genealogy of Zeus) and of the Danéens (Mycenae, Tyrins, by the dinasty of Perseidi and Pretidi of the genealogy of Zeus). The last had been the Kingdom of the Spartans (Sparta and the Peloponnesus, ruled by the Euripontidi and Agiadi dinasties descending from the hero Hercules son of Zeus). They all together conquered Troy and defined the European culture (read this article), then started the colonization of the Black Sea and northern Mediterranean coasts. So Greece civilty became famous for the Delphi and Delo temples of Apollo and the Olympia Temple of Zeus: Myth narrows the Mount Olympus was the seat of the Greek Gods and Olympya was a little town where every years all Greeks participated to the Olympics Game.

Greece was the starting point of the history of european integration as consequence of the winning in the persian war, when the ancient aeternitas reached the high level of power, richness and glory during the "classic epoch" influencing the European people until today! Even though the annexion to the Macedonians Kingdom ruled by the Argeadi dinasty, that moved to the conquest of the Persian Empire under the leadership of Alexander "the great". At his dead, all the Greeks had been included into the the following Diadochi Kingdom of Greece-Macedonia until the I century BC when Romans conquered the whole Greece. Within the reform of Augustus (see Roman Empire), Greece was included into the Macedonia and Achaja provinces that with the reform of Constantine I (see Christian Empire) became part of the Macedonia diocesi: at that epoch some greek polys became main christian civitas as Thessaloniki, Philippi and Constantinople, that in 330 AD was elevated as capital of the succeeding Byzantine Empire.

The greek Byzantine Empire had been the most important political, economic, religious and cultural state of all Middle Age in Europe. Since the falling of Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, Greece continued the roman-christian tradition especially in Eastern Europe and transmitted it to the "new comers" European people of Bulgars, Slavs, Russians and Magyars, all included in the Church of Greece within the Christian Ecclesia and submitted to the greek emperors dinasties ruling from 395 AD (Theodosians + Thracians + Justianians + Eraklians + Isaurians + Psidians + Macedoni + Komnenos + Dukas + Angelos). In VII century AD Greece was fragmented in many themes with the reform of the basileius Eraclius included in the Makedonia Diocesi (Hellas, Peloponnesos, Nikopolis, Cephalenia, Thessalonike, Strymon, Cyprus and Crete).

Things changed in 1204 AD with the Crusade that attacked Constantinople and divided the Byzantine Empire in state controlled by western European genealogies: the continuity was in the Roman Imperium of Trebisonda ruled from 1204 to 1461 AD by the Komnenos-Trebisonda family; while the Roman Imperium of Epirus remained independent 1479 AD under control of the Angelos-Dukas branch before passing to Orsini and Nemanja and Tocco dinasties; the Roman Imperium of Nicea was ruled by Lascaris and Dukas-Batazse dinasties until 1261 AD when had been rejoined to the Latin Imperium of Byzantium, ruled by Flanders and Courtenay dinasties until 1261 AD when was conquested by Palaiologos dinasty. But the end was proximus: in 1453 AD at the end of a decennal siege by Turks happenede the conquest of Constantinople and the end of the roman-byzantine state in Europe!

Greece got independent again in 1830 AD as Kingdom of Greece ruled by Wittelsbach and Oldenburg dinasties until the revolution in 1924 AD that proclamed the I Republic. The Kingdom was restored in 1935 AD but 1974 AD the military imposed the II Repubblic of today. Greece today is administered by regions (Attica, Central Greece, Central Macedonia, Crete, east Macedonia and Thrace, Epirus, Ionian Islands, North Aegean, Peloponnese, South Aegean, Thessaly, West Greece, West Macedonia, Mount Athos) and its capital is Athens and biggest cities are Thessaloniki and Patras, while remained for tourist and historic enthusiasts the ancient polys of Corynth, Argos, Argos, Mycenae, Sparta, Pthia, Larissa, Rhodes and Crete and the religious sites of Delphy, Delo, Samothracia and Olympia.

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