Iceland state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.


Iceland is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is LYDRELDID ISLAND applying the official national language of Icelandic (belonging to the group of German family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the parliamentary Republic of Iceland, together with the minorities speaking Danish. Do they speak English in Iceland? Yes, quite every incelander speak English fluently.

Iceland is situated at Far North of Europe above the Arctic Pole (probably the mythical "Thule"), sourrounded by the Atlantic Ocean at around 1000 kilometers west from Norway and 300 km. circa from Greenland. Iceland's territory is a big island made of basalt lava plain at 600 mt. over the sea level, including hundreds of small islands and deep bays formed by the lava erupting from the numerous active volcanos as the innumerables geysers typicall of this land. Iceland is covered by ice for most of the year (indeed Iceland translation is "iced land"), such as the Vatnajokull the widest of all Europe: they originate several rivers, known for their high cascades and erupting into the sea with jump of many meters or designing deep fjods all along the rocky coasts, except for the southern side that are sandy. The longest river is the Thjorsa and many of them form hundreds of lakes all around the country whose widest is the Thingvallavast. The climate is polar but moderated by the Current of Gulf and the winds from West that permit acceptable temperatures for humans, even if the Summer is inexistent and in Winter the Sun is constantly over the orizont, while the precipitations are continuous during all year.

The history of Iceland started in IX century AD with the first settlements of the Vikings people (as you can see in this article), who discovered and colonized this island inhabited since ever by Inuits people, then instituited the Republic of Althing (861 AD) still living nowadays. Time after Iceland was annexed to the Kingdom of Norway in 1261 AD and when the ruling dinasty of Bellachioma extinguished was joined to the Kingdom of Denmark-Norway (1390 AD) until the end of the First World War. Then Iceland got indipendent as Iceland Federation in 1918 AD before to evolve to I democratic Republic in 1944 AD with capital in Reykjavik and administered by regions (Reykianes, West, West Peninsula, Nort-West, Nort-East, East, South)

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