Liechenstein state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.


Liechenstein is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is FÜRSTENTUM LIECHENSTEIN with the official national languages of German (belonging to the group of German family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the premiership Principality of Liechenstein, together with the residents of others European peoples.

Liechenstein is situated in central Europe in the central part of the Alps: its western borders is delimited by the valley of Rhin river separating from Switzerland, while at East the Liechenstein edges are with Austria. The territory of Liechenstein is mostly mountainous at east cause of the Massif of Ratikon high over 2500 mt. descending towards west to the plain valley of Vaduz. The climate is typical of the Alps, with frequent rich snow precipitations in winter that make it a nice place for skying and touristic activities, while the summer is fresh and dried good for agricultural and breedgings activities, so that the Liechenstein Ppc is one of the highest in Europe. What's the currency of Liechenstein? They adopted the Euro coin even if it is not member of European Union.

The history of Liechenstein started with the first settlements of Alpines people (as you can read in this article) who had been followed by the Reti tribe of Celts in VIII century BC. In I century AD they had been submitted by Romans and within the reform of Augustus (see Roman Empire), Liechenstein was included into the Raetia province that with the reform of Constantine I (see Christian Empire) became part of the Gallia diocesi. At the falling of Western Roman Empire, that province was invaded by the Germans tribe of Bavari that formed an independent duchy ruled by the Agilolfingi dinasty until 800 AD when it was annexed to Regna Francorum.

With the renovatio imperii reform of Charlemagne the land of Liechenstein entered the Carolingian Empire, as part of the Duchy of Bavaria within the Regna Germanorum starting from 843 AD after the Verdun treaty, ruled by the Carolingian dinasty and following its history until the extintion of the Rhine Confederation (read Germany).

Liechenstein became officially independent in 1866 AD: the Principality elevated in 1698 AD for the homonimous dinasty that had been ruled the country since the institution of the County of Liechenstein (1434 AD), within the fief around the family castle in the capital Vaduz built by the famous ancestor medieval chevalier.

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