Malta state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.


Malta is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is REPUBLIKA TA’ MALTA applying the official national Malta language of Maltese (belonging to the group of Italic family) spoken by the Maltesi citizens who today live in the parliamentary Republic of Malta, together with the residents of others European peoples speaking Italian or English.

Malta is situated in southern Europe in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, southern to Sicily. The archipelago of Malta is composed of the great Malta island, plus minors Gozo e Comino (around 300 kmq), its territory is karst and made of limestone, totally plain with rocky coasts and deep rias that represent natural ports. The climate is typical mediterranena with hot dried sumemrs and mite rainy winters.

The history of Malta started in Mesolithic age as land inhabited by Homo Sapiens while the first settlements were of the Megalithics people (as you can see in this article): in more recent times, Malta became a Phoenician colony then was occupied by Greeks who brought their civilty, until it was conquered in II century BC Romans. Within the reform of Augustus (see Roman Empire), Malta was included into the Sicilia province and with the reform of Constantine I (see Christian Empire) was part of the Italiae diocesi.

At the falling of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD Malta had been invaded by the Vandals and annexed to the Regna Vandaloricum in the Sardegna-Corsica province, ruled by Asdingi dinasty until 553 AD when the Byzantine Empire annexed it at the end of the "greek-goths war". Then from VI to VII century AD Malta was included into the Sikelia theme within the Italiae diokesi, then conquested by Arabs and part of the Califfade of Sicily from 863 AD.

But the political situation of Malta evolved again with the conquest of Vikings, who in XI century AD annexed it to the Kingdom of Sicily with capital in Palermo and ruled by the Hauteville dinasty: after that Malta followed the destiny of that reign until 1516 AD when was annexed to the Kingdom of Spain and the Emperor Charles V assigned the isle to the Order of Rhodes Knights who in 1525 AD changed their name in Order of Malta Knights with the function to stop the Turks raids in the Mediterranean Sea: their Master and leader of the resistence has been Jean de la Valette, who started the building of the fortress of La Valletta City became the capitale of Malta.

Things changed again in 1815 AD when the Peace of Wien assigned the archipelago to the United Kingdom and the Order moved to Rome, but its coats of arms remained into the Malta flag: Malta became finally independent in 1964 AD as Republic member of the British Commonwealth.

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