Poland state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.


Poland is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is RZECZPOSPOTITA POLSKA with the official national language of Polish (belonging to the group of Slavic family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the parlamentary republic of Poland, together with the residents of others European peoples speaking mostly Belarusian, Czech, Slovak or Ukrainian.

Poland is situated in northern-eastern Europe: northwarding on the Baltic Sea, its northern borders are along with the russian eclave of Kalinigrad and with Lithuania, at Easth with Belarus and Ukraine, at South with Slovakia and Czech Republic and at West with Germany. The territory of Poland is mostly flat, spreaded between the great German plain and the immense Russian-Sarmatic Plain, delimited at South by the Sudetes, the Ore Mountains and the Carpatian chain ending into the Tatra Group in a long hilly strip. From those mountains origin the most important rives of Odra and Vistula running throught all country before to erupt in the Baltic Sea and design the Szczecin Bay and the Gulf of Gdansk: they delimited the coasts of Poland that are sandy and rich of little lagunas and lakes, whose are larger and unnumerables in the region of socalled "Great Lakes" of Mazovia alimented by Lina and Narew rivers, tributaries of Vistula as the Warta and the San. The climate is continental influnced byhumidity from the sea, with long cold and heavy snowy precipitations winters and hot summers even in the hilly southern area.

The history of Poland started with the first settlements of Balts people (as you can read in this article) who had been living in thar area since ever together with the Polish tribe of Slavs during the Bronze age: they were splitted in three groups who had been submitted by Moravians, that invaded the region founding IX century AD the Great Reign of Moravia under the Mojmir dinasty, including the southern regions of Silesia and Galicia. The rest of Polish formed the Great Duchy of Poland in 842 AD ruled by Piast dinasty, that was elevated as christian Kingdom of Poland in 1025 AD and could annex the various duchies of Silesia, Lusatia and Krakow founded after the extionsion of the moravian state and ruled by other branches of the royal family.

The Poland history became part of the history of european integration in XIII century AD when the Teutonics Knights conquered the baltic region and founded the Deutsche Orden within the Reich Empire: at the end of an enduring fight the Polish won the "Great Lakes" of Mazovia battle of Tanneberg in 1410 AD and could join the other fiefs of Mazovia and Pomerania, submitting the Teutonics to the Poland-Lithuania Krone except for the Duchy of Prussia. Meantime, the Polish royal family had been estinguished and the Kingdom of Poland passed to members of Premyslid and Angioini dinasties who ruled it personally together with the Bohemia Krone and the Kingdom of Hungary: but that great concentration of power attracted the interests of the western european genealogies, so the Polish nobles (Junkers) elected the great duke of near Lithuania who accepted the christian conversion and changed name in Jogaila, starting the Jagelloni dinasty that ruled the Poland-Poland Krone until 1572 AD. At its extionsion, the Poland Krone had been ruled by several princeps of various dinasties (in particular Vasa and Wettin) until 1795 AD when the reign went splitted among Russia Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia.

Poland got independent in 1919 AD at the end of the First World War as I Republic founded after the fall of the Russian zarade. But it was divided and annexed again to Soviet Union and III Reich of Germany in 1939 AD with the secret treaty Ribbentrop-Molotov until 1945 AD, when was restored but under dominion of Soviet Union. When it collapsed in 1989 AD Poland turned to the definitive independence to the II Repubblic, after a short dictatur and strong protest of workers affilied to Solidarnosc Union. Nowadays Poland is administered by regions (Greater Poland, Kuyavian-Pomeranian, Lesser Poland, Lodz, Lower Silesian, Lublin, Lubusz, Masovian, Opole, Podlaskie, Pomeranian, Silesian, Subcarpathian, Holy Cross, Warmian-Masurian, West Pomeranian) and its capital is in Warsaw, while the biggest Poland cities are the industrial or portual centres of Katowice, Lodz, Szczecin, while Poznan, Gniezno, Gdansk, Krakow and Wroclaw have been founded as ancient Archibishopric of the catholic church. Poland is part of European Union but did not adopted the Euro coin, so the Poland currency is the Lek.

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