Portugal state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.
Portugal is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is REPUBLICA PORTGUESA with the official national Portoguese language (belonging to the group of Italic family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the semi-presidenziale Republic of Portugal, together with the residents of others European peoples.
Portugal is situated in western-southern Europe at the exstreme side of the Iberian Peninsula as natural dorsals or the wade Meseta highplain descending towards the Atlantic Ocean, that represents the western and southern edge of the country, while the other borders are all defined with Spain. Are part of Portugal territoriality the atlantic archipelagos of Azorre and Madeira plus the Ultramaer Province of Macao in Asia. Its territory is quite totally mountainous or hilly covered of forests, whereas is plain along the coasts sandy with dunes designed by the long rivers coming from the internal Iberia as the Douro, the Mondego, the Tagus, the Sado and the Guadiana. The climate is typical maritime with cold winters and fesh summers cause the Portugal weather is conditioned by the Atlantic wind and the currents that determine intenses precipitations all year in every angle of country.
The history of Portugal started with the first settlements of Megalithics people (as you can read in this article) who had been followed along the ancient times by the Lusitani tribe of Iberians people and the Turduli tribe of Celts, while in the Algarve region there have been the rests of Tartessian civilty. They had been submitted by Carthago as a colonia around III century BC, until the "Second Punic War" when Portugal was conquered by Romans. Within the reform of Augustus (see Roman Empire), Portugal was included into the Lusitania province that with the reform of Constantine I (see Christian Empire) became part of the Hispania diocesi. At the falling of Western Roman Empire, Portugal was invaded by the Suebis who formed an independent regna from 409 AD until it was annexed to the Regna Visogotorum from 586 AD, ruled by Balti, Tervingi and other dinasties.
In 712 AD Arabs conquered Portugal and joined to the Califfade of Cordoba so that the christian people and european genealogies started the Reconquista of the whole Iberia with consequences on the entire history of european integration: in that scenario the spanish lords established the County of Portugal in 1095 AD within the Regna Castilla-y-Leon and the spiritual authority of the Church of Rome, assigned to Capetingian-Burgundy dinasty. They fought and repels Arabs towards south, so that could be eleved to Kingdom of Portugal in 1143 AD that remained independent until nowadays ruled by the royal family and its cadet branches of Aviz and Braganza until XIX century AD, when Portugal passed to the Braganza-Coburgo dinasty who ruled until the end of the First World War when had been proclamed the I Republic.
Portugal became instable cause of communist revolutions then went under militar Dictatures from 1926 to 1975 AD when it was restored the II Republic of today, administered by districts (Aveiro, Beja, Braga, Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Evora, Faro, Guarda, Leiria, Lisbon, Portalegre, Porto, Santarem, Setubal, Viana do Castelo, Vita Real , Viseu, Azores, Madeira, Horta), whose capital is Lisbon (completely rebuilt after the Lisbon earthquake provoked by the Atlantic in 1775 AD) and main cities are the ancient Oporto, Braga and Coimbra.
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