San Marino state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.

San Marino

San Marino is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO applying the official national language spoken by the citizens who today live in the parliamentary Republic of San Marino, together with others European peoples. But what's the language in San Marino? Official national languages are Italian and French (belonging to the group of Italic family) but there are minorities speaking the principal Italic dialets mostly spreaded in the sourrounding area.

San Marino is situated in southern Europe on the Appennini mountains, sourrounded on every border by Italy and its territory is circa 61kmq is hilly dominated by the Monte Titano that is the seat of the medieval capital. The climate is temperated with hot summers and cold winters of rich precipitations usefull to self-sustaining agriculture and breedings. San Marino country is not far from Bologna and the Pianura Padana, watching over the Adriatic Sea and its famous touristic seasides.

The history of San Marino started with the first settlements of the Italics people in centre-Southern part of Italy (as you can see in this article) who had been followed by the Etruscans, that in X century BC colonized the region with the Villanovian civilty, then by the Senoni tribe of Celts who built oppidums during La Téne and Golasecca cultures epoch, such as the near town of Senigallia. They all had been submitted by Romans in III century BC and San Marino was annexed to the Respublica of Rome that signed its border with the Gallia Cisalpina province on the near river Rubicone.

Within the reform of Augustus (see Roman Empire), San Marino was included into the VI Umbria et ager Gallicus regio of the Italiae province, but with the reform of Constantine I (see Christian Empire) became part of the Rome "Urbs" and Suburbicaria province into the Italiae diocesi delimited by the Rubicon river: at that epoch tradition put the legend of the foundation of a little christian community on the Monte Titano living under the spiritual guide of the ascetic Saint Marinus. Since then, San Marino followed the history of Italy and was annexed to the Regna Ostrogotorum (from 476 to 553 AD) then passed under the Exarchate of Ravenna joined to the Byzantine Empire until X century AD, when it was included in the Patrimonium Petri (see Vatican State).

The independence of San Marino came in 1291 AD when it was recognized as "Comune", in order to the City Statute that instituited the San Marino govern of the Congress under the control of two annual Captains, as example of the ancient roman tradition, always related to Rome: when the ancient "urbs aeterna" was conquered by the Kingdom of Italy in 1871 AD, San Marino was annexed under the rule of the Savoia dinasty, who conceded the definitive authonomy to the Republic of San Marino in 1897 AD with capital in the homonymous city. Even if it is not member of European Union the currency adopted is the Euro coin.

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