Serbia state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.


Serbia is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is REPUBLIKA SRBIJA applying the official national languages of Serbo-Croatian (belonging to he group of Slavic family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the presidential Repubblic of Serbia, together with the minorities of Macedonians, Bosnians, Croatians, Bulgars and Albanians speaking also Bulgarian and Albanian.

Serbia is situated in southern Europe along the Dinaric Alps and confines at Easth with Romania and Bulgaria, on South with Macedonia and at south-west with Albania and Montenegro, at north-west with Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, finally on North with Hungary. Its territory is mostly plain in Vojvodina region and around the Danube river that crosses the country receiving the tributaries of Sava, Drina, Tibiscus and Morava descending from the montainous southern region of Kosovo, where also takes origin the (White) Drin erupting into the Adriatic Sea. The climate is continental at North, with rigid winters and lots of precipitations usefull to intenvsive agricultur and breedings, while the thermic escursions are high in the southern valleys.

The history of Serbia started with the first settlements of Misians tribe of Danubians people who have been followed by Illyrians people during the Neolithic age (as you can read in this article), then came the Ghegs tribe and all lived free until the conquest of Romans in I century AD: within the reform of Augustus (see Roman Empire), Serbia was included into the Dalmatia et Pannonia and Moesia Superior provinces that with the reform of Constantine I (see Christian Empire) became part of the Illyricum and Moesia diocesis. That political situation was confirmed during the Byzantine Empire, when Serbia was included into the Belgrado and Syrmium themes within the Illyricum diocesi even at the time of the invasion of Slavs in VI century AD, who occupied that land and integrated with previous European peoples already living.

Things changed when the Basileus of Constantinople instituted the Principality of Serbia in 638 AD, enfeoffed to the serbian Vlastimirovic dinasty who ruled until the conquest of Bulgars and annexion to the Bulgarian Empire in 949 AD. When it dissolved, Serbians could found the Kingdom of Serbia in 1083 AD ruled by Vukanovic and Nemanja dinasties, successively expanded in every directions to form the Empire of Serbs from 1374 AD under Lazarevic and Brankovic dinasties, until it was defeated by Turks and annexed to the Sultanat: only in 1804 AD the ancient Principality of Serbia could be restored and ruled by the Obrenovic and Karageorgevic dinasties.

At the end of the balcanic independence wars Serbia became definitely independent in 1878 AD and restored the Kingdom of Serbia under the Karageorgevic under Obrenovic dinasties, that after the First World War evolved in Kingdom of Serbs, Croatians and Slovenians and succeeding Kingdom and Republic of Yugoslavia until 1993 AD, when that state dissolved in a cruel civil war among those peoples and Serbia joined Montenegro in a new republic. Serbia splitted in the actual Republic in 2006 AD administed by 29 districts and the authonomy regions of Vojvodina and Kosovo plus many cities, whose the principals are Belgrade the capital, Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica (the ancient Sirmium capital of the western Tetrarchy as said in this article) and the ancient Nys, considered the "hometown" of the greek God Dyonisus and the oldest bischopric of Serbia.

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