Spain state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.
Spain is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is REINO DE ESPAÑA with the official national Spanish language (belonging to the group of Italic family) spoken by the citizens who today are living in the paliamentary Monarchy of Spain, together with the resident minorities speaking the dialects Catalan or Gallaecian or the ancient Basque language.
Spain is situated in south-western Europe in the Iberian Peninsula, all around the natural wade dorsals of Meseta highplain descending towards the Atlantic Ocean, where is the western border with Portugal, and starting from the Pyrenees chain, that sign the edge with France and Andorra at North-East, while the rest of the country is sourrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on North (Biscay Gulf) at West and at South-West (Cadiz Bay) and by the Mediterranean Sea at East. Here is the Baleari archipelago that with the Canary archipelago facing the Marocco and the little enclavi of Ceuta and Melilla are part of the Spain sovereinity. Its territory is quite totally mountainous, especially along the Sierra Nevada chain where is the highest Mount Mulhacen, while on the northern atlantic coast is distributed the Cantabrian chain joined to western Pyrenees and the Iberian System defining the central country morfology. The few little plains present in Spain are formed by the main rivers course: the Ebro erupting into the Mediterranean Sea runs along the Aragona plain, as the Levantine Plain is formed by the Jukar river, while the Guadalquivir river erupting into the Cadiz Bay delineates the Andalusan plain. Except for Ebro, all the spanish river's system is tributary of the Atlantic Ocean, as the Mino, the Duero, the Guadiana all passing through Portugal, and the Guadalquivir. The climate is typically continental with high thermic excursions and low precipitations all year, except for the mediterranean coasts where the weather is nice and the northern part of the country influenced by the alpine climate and the atlantic winds.
The history of Spain started with the first settlements of Megalithics people (as you can read in this article) that survived in the Basque community, followed along the ancient times by the Iberians and the Celts peoples during the Bronze Age, while in the Andalusia region were living the Tartessian civilty and in Mediterranean area the Greek colonies definitely annexed to Carthago around V century BC, until the "Second Punic War" when Spain was conquered by Romans. Within the reform of Augustus (see Roman Empire), Spain was fragmented into the Tarraconensis and Baetica and Gallaecia provinces that with the reform of Constantine I (see Christian Empire) became part of the Hispania diocesi.
At the falling of Western Roman Empire, Spain was invaded by the Suebis who formed an independent regna in Galicia from 409 AD, successively annexed to the Regna Visogotorum from 585 AD ruled by Balti, Tervingi and other dinasties, until in 712 AD Arabs conquered all Spain and instituted the Califfade of Cordoba. Then the christian people and european genealogies started the Reconquista of the whole Iberia with consequences on the entire history of european integration: in that scenario were founded the Regna christianorum of Hispania, under the spiritual authority of the Church of Rome, that had been fighting against the Califfade of Al-Andalus until 1492 AD, when it was defeated and definitely extinted with the great role of the national hero "el Cid".
The first founded had been the Regna of Asturias-Gallaecia in 718, ruled by the westgoths Pelayez and Perez dinasties and joined to the Regna of Leon in 925 AD, that was passed to the westgoths Jimenez of Navarra family then to the frnaks Anscarici-Burgundy dinasty that in 1230 AD joined into the Regna Castella-y-Leon, originated from the County of Castella instituted in 860 AD under the Regna of Leon and ruled by Perez and Lara families before to pass to the Jimenez-Navarra dinasty, who eleved in Regna of Castella in 1035 AD then ceded to Anscarici-Burgundy dinasties, that ruled until 1516 AD when it had been joined to the Kingdom of Spain. It was the same destiny of the Regna of Pamplona and the Regna of Navarra both founded in 811 AD by the westgoths Iniguez dinasty then joined and passed to Jimenez branches of Pamplona, of Aragona and of Navarra, until their extintion when the Kingdom of Navarra passed to franks Blois, Capetingian then to their cadet branch of Evreaux, to the Anscarici-Trastamara and finally to Foix dinasties. On the east front of the country, the County of Barcelona instituted in 801 AD by Charlemagne and enfeoffed to the Gellone family was conquered by the franks Bellonidi dinasty who in 948 AD founded the County of Barcelona-Catalunya ruled until 1162 when it has been joined into the Krone of Aragona, together with the Regna of Aragona ruled by the Jimenez-Aragona family since 1035 AD when they inherited the Count of Aragona founded in 802 AD by the westgoths Galindez dinasty.
When the Krone of Aragona (together with its dominion of Sardinia and Sicily) passed to the Anscarici-Trastamara dinasty in XV century AD, it was the step that brought to the independence of Spain in 1512 AD: once definitely defeated and espelled Arabs from the Iberian Peninsula after conquered Granada, there has been a coincidence of events that favoured the foundation of the Kingdom of Spain under the Emperor Charles V, who inherited all the spanish kingdoms and ruled with the Habsburg-Spain until 1700 AD. Then th crown passed to the french Borbone-Spain dinasty who still today is ruling Spain, with the exception of the Republics esperiences in 1873 AD and 1931 AD, the military Dictatories (1939-1975 Gen.Franco) and the brief crowning to Bonaparte and Savoia dinasties in XIX century AD. Today Spain is a constitutional monarchy administered by regions (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castile&leon, Basque Country, Navarra, Aragona, Catalunya, La Rioja, Castilla La Mancha, Extremadura, Community of Madrid, Andalusia, Region of Murcia, Valencian Community, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Melilla and Ceuta), whose capital is Madrid, the biggest Spain cities are Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Bilbao, Malaga, Zaragoza, Palma de Mallorca and Las Palmas, while the oldest civitas are Astorga, Leòn, Cordoba, Merida, Cadiz, Murcia, Burgos,Pamplona and Granada.
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