Sweden state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.


Sweden is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is KOUNGARIGET SVERIGE with the official national languages of Sweden (belonging to the group of German family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the parliamentary Monarchy of Sweden, together with the residents of others European peoples speaking also English or the minorities of Finns speaking Finnish or of Sami speaking their ancient language Sami in the northern side of the country.

Sweden is situated in northern Europe in the Scandinavia Peninsula: looking eastwards on the Botnia Gulf that separates from Finland, whose border continues on the mainland in Lapland at North, and on the Baltic Sea at South-East, Sweden confines at South-West with Denmark along the Kattegat channel and at West with Norway all along the edge of the Scandinavian Alps. The territory of Sweden is a great plain modelled by the rivers and the glaciations that formed numerous cataracts, from the Alps to the coasts, while the southern region of Svealand is occupied by a great lakes system including the Vanern, the Vattern, the Hjalmaren and the Malaren, all connected by channels that join the Kattegat sea to the Finland Gulf. The rivers descending parallels from the Scandinavian Shield are the Torne, the Lule, the Pite, the Skellefte, the Ume, the Angerman, the Indalsalven, the Ljungan, the Ljusnan and the Dalalven, running throught cascades and little lakes and forming the eastern plain, while the lakes region is limited by the Smaland highland over the southern fertile plain of Skania also rich of lakes and waters, since ever usefull for the agriculture and breeding sectors. Indeed the northern area of country is covered of typical evergreen forests that supply the wood and energy productions, beside the winter sports activities spreaded all around the mountainous area of Sweden. It includes the islands of Oland and Gotland, made famous by the Goths epic, and hundreds ot others close to the coasts. Neverthless the high latitude at northern Arctic Polar region, the climate is quite temperate along the coasts with lighty and fresh summers and cold windark winters, while the rich snowy precipitations define a rigid arctic weather in Lapland that is almost desert.

The history of Sweden started with the first settlements of Vikings (as you can read in this article) who convived since ancient times with the Sami people and successively with Germans who arrived during Bronze Age. They formed the first reign probably in the I century BC ruled by various sweden dinasty descending from the House of Munso, such as the Erikidi, the Stenkel, the Sverker, the Svending, the Erikson and the Folkunga, who annexed Norway in 1319 AD. When this family went extinted, Sweden became part of the Kalmar League from 1397 to 1523 AD a political union of all the scandinavian states plus Iceland and Greenland administered by various persons and finally by the Oldenburg dinasty that had an important influence on the whole history of european integration until the Luteran Protest.

In 1523 AD the Gustav I Vasa made the Kingdom of Sweden-Norway independent again and started a new epoch of Sweden history that became a great European power, ruled by the Vasa, the Wittelsbach-Zweinbrucken-Kleeburg then the by a branch of Oldenburg dinasties until the epoch of Napoleon I, when his field-marshal Bernadotte got the crown and started the actual royal dinasty in 1818 AD. Nowadays Sweden is a constitutional Monarchy administrated by regions (Blekinge, Dalarna, Gotland, Gavleborg, Halland, Jamtland, Jonkoping, Kalmar, Kronoberg, Norrbotten, Skane, Stockholm, Sodermanland, Uppsala, Varmland, Vasterbotten, Vasternorrland, Vastmanland, Vastra Gotaland, Orebro, Ostergotland), with the capital in Stockholm while the biggest cities are Umea, Gothenburg, Malmo and Uppsala (seat of an ancient Catholic archibischopric), that is one of the most ancient sweden towns as Birka. Even if Sweden is member of the European Union the national currency remained the Swedish Krone (to learn more read this article on the gold of Europe).

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