Vatican City state has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN STATES category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.


Vatican is an aeternitas of the history of european integration that will have influence on the future of Europe. The name given by the inhabitants is CITTA’ DEL VATICANO with the official national languages of Italian, Latin and French (all belonging to the group of Italic family) spoken by the citizens who today live in the absolute teocratic monarchy of Vatican City together with the other residents of others European peoples and from the rest of the world.

Vatican City is situated in the centre of Rome within the 44 mq area around the Saint Peter basilica building, but its sovereign territoriality includes the archibasilica of Saint John Lateran plus the basilicas of Saint Paul "outside the walls" and Santa Maria Maggiore inside Rome City plus the palace and possessions in Castel Gandolfo town, counting also the immenses estate of the Roman Church everywhere in the world since ever!

The history of Vatican City state started with the end of the Roman Empire when the Romans escaped from the Ostrogoths invasion became citizens of the Byzantine Empire, submitted to the Exarchate of Ravenna within the Italiae diocesi. In VIII century AD the Lombards kings ceded to the Popes a little possession near Rome that became the Duchy of Rome-Tusculum, that in 754 AD had been included into the Patrimonium Petri within the Carolingian Empire thanks to the donation from Pipin "the short" king of all Franks. That jurisdictional configuration perdured within the Reich Empire until 1378 AD, ruled by the Popes families since the I century AD with enormous influence on the whole history of european integration and with spiritual authority on the christian regna of Middle Age (the iberian Regna christianorum, the Regna francorum, the Regna of Kent, the Regna visigotorum, the Kingdom of Sicily and the Kingdom of Naples, the Kingdom of Portugal, the Kingdom of Hungary and all the christian lords enfeoffed).

At the end of the "Avignone Caprivity", the catholic church lived the "western scisma" when the Popes founded the Roman Church State with the "Egidian Constitution" and part of their loyal "ordered" stayed aside against the rest of Europe: in 1417 AD there was the general peace in the Christian Ecclesia and the Vatican state could annex the ancient imperial Duchy of Spoleto, the ancient byzantine possessions of Pentapolis and the Exarchate of Ravenna and the Duchy of Este, the Duchy of Urbino, the County of Tuscia, the italian Marche of Ancona and the "free town" of Bologna, under the defensor fidei rex romanorum that had not been crowned anymore except for Emperor Charles V who in 1527 AD restored the imperial authority in the Roman Church.

That situation continued until 1871 AD when the Church State was annexed to Kingdom of Italy and estinguished: only in 1929 AD Vatican State otained the independence with the Lateranensis Pact subscribed with Italy and became the nowadays state of Città del Vaticano with capital in Rome.

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