history of european integration

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This website promotes the United Europe within the historical perspective of the integration of European people sharing common origins, traditions, culture, aeternitas and history: everything is narrowed with minute details and an original way in the essay entitled

The ancient origins renovated in the nowadays aeternitas
(ISBN: 9791220048859)

written by Roberto Amati in Italian but available in other European languages.

The ARTICLES published here have been written as well by the author of the book, accompanied by fact SHEETS and SCHEMES useful to the comprehension, many historical MAPS AND IMAGES and CONFLICT LINES that cross the entire history of european integration.

Starting from this point is then possible to get the APPENDIX and the EUROPEAN GENEALOGIES which signed the millenary history of european integration, so to obtain information on the AETERNITAS and the People, Dates, Places and Events premiment in the entire history of european integration.

If you desire to keep in touch with the author send him an email, while if you are interested in the book or in take part to the next public presentations visit this website!

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Site in hosting for personal use and promotion. Copyright © 2024 Roberto e Fabio Amati