The european states that occupy the territory of Europe since the beginning of the history of European integration participated in building the aeternitas of United Europe, still existing and probably usefull for the future of Europe.

written by Roberto Amati

The european states are the totality of actual sovereign political entities formed during the history of European integration. Their origins were in the evolution of the European empires, along with the settlements or displacements of the European peoples and with the spreading of Christianity within the Europe territory, often related to the european genealogies who founded or ruled them for centuries until today.

european genealogies

By looking at the empires of the history of European integration, the first has been the Principato founded in 27 BC by Augustus, reformed in 295 AD by Diocletian as Tetrarchia that became Christian Empire in 325 AD when the Constantine I ruled as Pontifex Maximus of Christianity, definitely tranformed in Teocracy by the Teodosio I in 391 AD. When the Western Roman Empire disappeared in 476 AD, the Pars Oriensis continued its tradition and political action along with the Byzantine Empire when Eraclius I was crowned in 626 AD, complemented by the Carolingian Empire instituted in 800 AD by Charlemagne and renovated by Otto I in 962 AD as Reich Empire, perdured until 1806 AD when was inherited by the Austrian-(Hungarian) Empire dissolved at the end of the First World War, such as the Russian Empire emerged in Eastern Europe in ideological continuity with the byzantine basileia when Constantinople fell in 1453 AD. The passage from the originary "Europe of the peoples" present on the continental territory in I century BC to the actual "Europe of states" has followed the bimillenary political evolution that formed the european states under the centripetal force of those empires (as explained in my book).

Every time the european empires extinguished or dissolved, or else as consequence of an independence war or on the basis of an international treaty written by the European powers of the time, the administrative fragmentations of the empries became new european states, under the european genealogies already ruling those countries or founded as republic by the european peoples. Sometimes, the new sovereign entity was the result of joining or annexion of previous states, cause of a matrimonial union or through inhretance, whereas in some case the fire for freedom instance of peoples was for religious reason, within the Christian Ecclesia. Every independence process had its own national hero or was caused by the decisions or actions of a particular historial figure, otherwise connected to a particular event of the history of European integration or to a specific date, summed up in this section of the website.

Quite always the european states had been founded by the european peoples settled or just arrived on the Europe territory. Nowadays the United Europe is characterized by the "ethnic people" element (more than any other great state or power of the world), so that the sign of the epical and mythical origins of the european peoples stories define the different regions of actual Europe: the Iberian Penisula, the British archipelago, the Scandinavian/Nordic world, the German circle, the France area, the Italic centre, the Greek universe or the Slavic system, rather than the Finnish or Hungarian enclaves or the Albanian or Bulgarian islands. These definitions are mine but clearly comprehensible by reading the history of European integration of the european peoples within the european states sheets.

What is fundamental to focus on is that the evolution of the european states has been guided by men! In particular, the members of the european genealogies protagonists of the history of European integration and related to the ancient lineages (as you can read in this article). The fight or the alliances, the joinings or the inheritances, the treaties or the deals they have been subscribing for centuries, in the end, defined and built the european states with the originary intention to realize the idea of United Europe. Nowadays almost all of european states are members or adhere to the process of european integration to European Union, that seems to have lost memory of the ancient tradition and roots such as of its history of civilty and pluralism.

Many european states were born in 1919 AD as sovereign republic, but today are losing this originary element cause of the pretentions of European Union buroctatic procedures and laws, at the point that its democracy is not guaranteed anymore. In reality, the european peoples esist since hundreds year, probably enlisted in the Bible, undoubtedly narrowed by mythology and documented by the historical research: they formed the european states over the years of the history of European integration, acting as protagonists of the political, economic, religious and social events of the continent, then will have a central role in the foundation of the future United Europe. That could not forget the roots and the history of Europe, included its peoples and states and in general its aeternitas: this is an unavoidable categorical imperative for the founders anf fathers of the future United Europe, as witness of the values of freedom and democracy which are innate with the Europeans and with their european states.

To learn more about the european states are avalaible the following sources:

Appendix to the book

Genesis of the european states

Scheme of the european genealogies

read the previous article

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