Illyrians people has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN PEOPLE category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.
The international name for Illyrians people is a latin term similar to the greek word Illyrioi (Ἰλλυριοί), referred to the ancient group of European peoples arrived at the Neolithic age (around 8.000 BC) and spreaded in the Dinaric Alps and mountainous region called Balkans along all the Adriatic Sea coasts, probably coming from Anatolia and practising agricolture and sheep breeding, succesively included in the "mediterranean" peoples of the Antigua Mater civilty. That name could be adopted from the mithologic Illyrius son of the hero Cadmus or the cyclope Polyphemus son of Neptune god.
Who are the illyrians? Many tribes are considered part of this ethnic group such as Dalmatians, Pannonians, Istrians, Veneti, Peuceti, Dauni, Apuli and others: they settled in the homonymous historical regions that became provinces or regios of the Roman Empire since II century BC, founding many ancient civitas like Sirmio (actual Sremska Mitrovica), Zadar, Pula, Duvno (actual Tomislavgrad), Buda (ancient part of the capital of Hungary) and even probably Venosa and Lucera in South Italy that are some of the aeternitas.
Historians think there are relations between Illyrians and Danubians people (even with Alpines, Italics, Iberians and ancient Greeks), cause of their common mediterranean phehotype of brown/dark hairs and eyes, tipically of Caucasian anthropologic human group, and the use of indoeuropean languages, the lifestyle and the "cardium pottery" culture similar to the "old Europe" danubian-greek/balkanic ones still existing at the Old Bronze Age.
Illyrians were speaking a specific illyrian language included in the wide indoeuoropean family together with Venetic and Messapic, even if probably those ancient people never exist anymore after the invasion of Slavs in Dinaric-Balkan area and the succession of Byzantine and Carolingian Empires, Hungarian Kingdom and Hapsburg Reign and Turk dominion that moved many tribes and people for along two thousand years. In the history of illyrians, the most famous persons have been the Roman emperors after the "Anarchist crisis" in III century AD, like Diocletian (the reformer of Tetrarchy model ), the Constantinian and the Valentinian dinasties and even the Justinianic family and the following illyrian bloodline among the european genealogies. There are reasons to consider part of the actual Albanians as descendants of an ancient tribe of Illyrians, such as the Veneti people still living in the region of northern Italy and included for cernturies in the Republic of Venice that has been fundamental along all the history of european integration.
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