Greeks people has been selected by Roberto Amati in relation to the real history of european integration, then enlisted in the EUROPEAN PEOPLE category, accompanied by own fact SHEET useful to the comprehension, completed of historical MAPS AND IMAGES or with a direct linking to the related Blog contents dedicated to the entire history of european integration and the future of Europe.

Greeks people

The international name for Greeks people is a latin term, while in greek language it is Hellens (Έλληνες) and refers to the group of European peoples living since thousands of years in the ancient region called Hellas from them: they were part of the first settlements of Homo Sapiens in Europe around 30.000 BC, followed by peoples coming from Caucasus region that founded the great centre of the indoeuropean culture in Greece and the defined first Zodiac reflecting the most ancient Thule tradition.

Primarily, they were the Pelasgians that occupied the hundreds isles and the coasts of the Aegian Sea, with the objective to face the rival Atlantis civilty spreaded all over Mediterranean Sea and Africa and Middle East coasts: those peoples were related to divine origins from the Olympians Gods of Zeus and Aphrodite, such as the Thessalians, Myrmidons, Argolians, Arcadians, Aetolians and Etolians, who founded the first polys of Larissa, Phthia, Argos and Pisa or the Rhodes, Cyprus and Crete isles where it started the Minoic civilty.

Simultaneously (around 8.000 BC) the ethnic group referring to the mytologic Hellen came from Anatolia and settled in the central Greece regions of Attica, Achaea, Boiotien, Euboea, Phocis and Thessaly, moreover in the isles of Cyprus and Crete, who are indicated in the Holy Byble as the descendants of Japhet and by historians as the Ionians peoples: they probably founded the polys of Athens, even if mythology narrows a more ancient origin for the capital of Greece, connnected with Olympians Gods.

The third wave os Greeks were the Achaeans group coming from Middle East as part of the Hyksos peoples that around XVIII century BC invaded all the Eastern Mediterranean coasts and founded the city of Corinth, followed in the middle of the II millennium BC by the founder of Mycenae known as the Danéens that brough a new culture and greek alphabet (linear B), enlisted in the group of the "Sea Peoples" and related to the mythic Perseus son of Zeus, who gave origin to the royal genealogies of ancient Europe (as narrowed in my book) and the dinasty of Prètides kings of Tiryns.

The last settlement was the indoeuropean stirp of the Dorians: coming from the central Asia area, occupied the Doris region nel XIII BC (where they founded the Temple of Apollo in Delphy) leaded by the hero Heracles, then partecipated to the Troy War, conquered Sparta in VI century BC and after Argos, so allied to others Greeks defeated the Persian Empire and finally won the Peloponnesians Wars against Athens and the League of Delo, becoming hegemonic on the whole Greece under the Spartan royal dinasties of Euripontidi and Agiadi leaders of the legendary hoplites (there it started the history of european integration!). Dorians contribuited to the foundation of the colonies in Magna Graecia within the Western Mediterranean Sea (such as Nice, Marseille and Ampurias), in particular in southern Italy with the πόλις of Cumae, Syracuse and Catania and in the Black Sea the colonies of Tomis/Constanta, Tanas/Rostov on Don and Byzantion (Constantinople).

Among ancient Greeks people we must include the ancient Macedonians (part of the socalled Albi Gens as the Dorians) founder of Pella as capital of the kingdom that in IV century BC annexed the entire Greece under leading of the Argeadi dinasty (descendent from Heracles), of whom was part Alexander "the great". Even, there have been the mytologic founders of the polys of Thebes (he was Cadmo, brother of Europe and descendent from the same bloodyline of the pharaophs and kings of Thebes of Aegypt), of Troy (Dardanus) and Sparta (Lacedemon) thanks to other sons of Zeus. These peoples gave name to the historic regions of Greece and started different artistical styles and phyolosofical doctrines that influenced the whole history of European integration until today!

Greeks people are in great part a mediterranean phehotype of brown or dark haired with large percentage of brown eyes, tipically of the Caucasian anthropologic human group, speaking modern Greek and self-identifying with the history of Greece since the most ancient ethnic group passing through the Bizantine Empire age up to the modern indipendent state formed in 1830 AD. They are supposed to be "relatives" with Italics and Iberians and as an historic trait, Greeks shared the origin epoch of foundation and wars against the Atlantians and Troians/Eastern civilties, after that they started colonization of the sourrounding areas of the Black Sea, the Western Anatolia (especially Ionians people pushed out of Greece from Dorians) and Southern Italy until they met the Romans and entered into the Roman Empire.

Greeks continued the roman-christian cultural tradition of the Christian Empire since V century AD, when Constantinople became the centre of the European civilty sharing it to the surrounding new comers people of Albanians, Bulgars, Germans, Slavs and Russians, while the Byzantine Empire's dinasties defended Europe and Christianity from the attacks of Arabs and muslims in general, from Parths and other peoples coming from eastern asian steppes. The national identity remained safe during the submission to the Turkish sultanade and exploded in early XIX century AD when Greeks obtained their political indipendence under the Wittelsbach and Oldenburg dinasties (whom descendent in male line is Charles III King of United Kingdom): only in 1974 AD Greece changed in democratic Republic so getting back to its ancient history of little independent republics of polys that made the origin of the history of European integration. Among famous Greeks people we must remember the members of European genealogies of emperors such as Eraclius I, Basileois II "bulgaroktonos" and Zoe of the Macedoni family, Isaakios I Komnenos and other members of the Angelos and Laskaris dinasties. In modern age the most famous greek is Aristotele Onassis.

Important greeks cities are Philippi, Thessaloniki among the first christian communitas, Olympia seat of the ancient Olympics Games, Patras, while the "Greek universe" includes the ellenic peninsula, the archipelagos in the Aegean and Ionian seas, the isles of Crete and Cyprus, western Anatolia, southern Albania and Italy even the Balkans regions, the Black Sea western coasts, the ancient greek communities in Alexandria of Egypt, Antioch, Istanbul and Odesa), where still are spoken the ancient greek languages (doric, koiné, attic, beotian, etc.). Even more Greeks are present since ever in the European states of Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Turkey-Istanbul, where they participated in the formation of the enduring aeternitas, or after the great migrations of XX century AD towards Germany, France, Benelux, Ukraine, Russia, U.K., USA, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Egypt and Brazil).

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